Thursday, April 7, 2011

EOC - Week 1 - My Voice

As a photographer, it is my job to show the world in the most beautiful and authentic way possible. Every click of my camera's shutter is another chance to show my point of view, my perspective, my ideas. I hold those things very dear to my heart. As a student, I am in a wonderful position: I am, for the next two years, able to absorb and learn everything I need to know as a photographer, as an artist, and as a person as a whole. Each class adds another tool to my "toolbelt". My goal is to have a varied and full toolbelt by the time I graduate from the Art Institute. I can then use these tools for the duration of my career as a (hopefully) successful Wedding and Portrait photographer. Even more than use in my photography career, I plan on continuing my schooling after the Art Institute. My next goal is to go to business school to earn an MBA in Business Management. I feel that this degree would be, perhaps, the start of a new toolbelt for me that I can use in various areas of my life. The way I see it, there is so much the world has to offer. There are so many things to see, to do, to learn... The Beatles sang it best, "Nothing you can know that isn't known / Nothing you can see that can't be shown / Nothing you can be that isn't where you're meant to be". I completely agree with the Fab Four's idea here: You have the potential within you to do great things, to experience everything that there is to be experienced, to become everything you want to become, and to have the life you want. We are all in charge of our own destiny. I am going to make sure that I totally and completely fulfill my destiny as a photographer. I am in control of that. I am going to make that happen, one step at a time.

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